After my hubby lost his last brother.........for a long time it was difficult for anyone to talk about him.....but after awhile someone finally mentioned they had dreamed about him.......everyone started talking and it seems that several people were having dreams about him and they all were on the same he was making the rounds.
My son's accident last year was on the anniversary of my BIL's death. My son told us in the hospital that when they saw the trailer in the road....and slammed on the brakes......that he could hear a voice in his ear.....saying over and over....."don't jerk the wheel......don't jerk the
wheel"..........I will always think it was him. Also....there was a song he always sang......Sitting on the Dock of the comes on the air....and the oddest times..........when we seem to need it..........and....the first time my son drove on the road where the wreck occurred.....the song came on over the radio just as he turned on to it..............have always felt it is him telling us he is with us.
Oh, I like that story! That's a nice thought. You know...I once stupidly let a couple guys into the apartment building i was in at the time. I went down and opened the door for them. And I didn't sense anything wrong, but as I walked up the stairs ahead of them, to go back to my apartment, all these thoughts kept coming in my head. Urgent thoughts. "DON'T turn around." "DON'T start any friendly chat on the stairs with them." "Get in the apartment as fast as you can." "DON'T panic and get the key stuck" All these thoughts, guiding my every move all of a sudden, and I had no clue anything was wrong, I had no reason to be thinking these things. But I got in the apartment, and they went up to the third floor and kicked in a door and shot two guys dead. I heard something going on with wood (I later saw the wrecked door frame. They kicked it apart to get in.) Anyway, so I hear them coming back down the stairs as fast as possible, but they stopped at my door and one said "shall we do it now?" and the other said "No, we'll come back, we need to get out of here now". And they bolted out of the building and peeled out and got away.
Later the police came and told me I was on a hit list and had to leave the place immediately, with protection. I couldn't even take my stuff. No time! (lost some things that way)...but...I did get a new place to live I wouldn't have gotten - not the best circumstances I could imagine that might lead to my getting a break, but I got one. One I sorely needed. Things kind of happen inter-relatedly, you know. Life all fits together.
Funny, as they were up there executing those two guys, I had a feeling everything was fine, that they were just helping each other get something done, and that's all...
Well, if you DO believe in life after death, I guess there's room in that to think people's deaths have their, tragic yes, but "helping each other get something done", yea! Actually yea.
Another time... I had been reading spiritual books at that point, and many of them suggested people (souls) kind of travel in packs, connected unconsciously. So your family, your friends, your partner, are all kind of - really - 'with you' all the time. And I sense that. Now, my family SUCKS...BAD. And I was walking one day, out in the forest trails where I like to go, and I just couldn't take them any more, so even though i figured the book I'd read was fiction, I did what it said anyway...I turned around and OUT LOUD no less, told them ALL they couldn't come with me any more! That I was leaving them on that spot, and walking forever away from them. And as I did walk away, suddenly all the energy went out of me, I got dizzy and fell to my knees, and thought "wo" the book had been saying that we're supposed to get our energy from (call it god, call it the universe, whatever) THAT'S our source of energy, but people commonly develop unhealthy connections to other people and get their energy wrongly that I thought, fine, give me my energy I'm supposed to have then, and I felt better, got up and walked on!
And it wasn't too long after that that I never saw any of them again - they physically left my life (it was about damn time).
So do I get my energy from "the universe" (god, whatever)? mm....I don't know. But I ended up with a whole new set of souls I was in partnership with, and then they left me, and I ended up with still another set. And they were GOOD people. And I had been thinking I needed and DESERVED good people in my life.
In fact it was then that I started finding a lot of what I'll just call "spiritual principles". I'm not religious, but there are things like how we sense each other and make "coincidences" we need happen just by thinking of them etc, that are real. God, you cant prove to me or anyone, but these "spiritual principles" you can prove, because you can experience them (rather than just imagine, and "have faith" pfft)) So ok, all these things started presenting themselves to me, and I'm now certain Carl Jung's "synchronicity" is a real thing (he said, after a long career, that we are all connected in an unconscious way - so that if you just think of something you need, someone somewhere else will have the opposite need (example: you need a toaster, they need to give one away)and you're actually sending out the message of what you need for someone somewhere to "hear" (
unconsciously) (so they're not aware consciously of what's driving them to answer, so it seems like a coincidence
) ...Well if it sounds goofy, I cant help that... I just know if I think of someone calling me, they will. If I think of finding 50 bucks, I find it. And the bottom line here is "always think of what you do want/ never think of what you don't want"..because "as you think, so it becomes". And life is like that, and I'm a card carrying atheist BECAUSE you have to prove it to me or I wont just "believe" in ANYTHING, but i tell you this stuff is quite real.
When they speak of the "power of positive thinking" it is MORE than just a recommendation of an optimistic is you have power! -to attract what you need into your life.
I once needed a lead guitarist, who'd sing harmony and be my wingman...let me lead, and be fine with that, made for it. And I thought of this, in detail, then I let the thought go, and a week later "Brad" knocked on my door. "Will you tune this?" he asked (his new guitar
) He was new at it, but he turned out to be brilliant musically, and a perfect left hand for writing songs with.
Oh and I forgot to mention, I was young at the time, had no car, he needed to be all the things I needed, PLUS nearby, and friendworthy...and that's too many specific things for him to have to be like, for it to be just a coincidence that he happened to be two doors away.
But I do things like that a lot.
You're probably here because I had no friends online anymore, and deeply missed having a friendship with an admin at a site which we're working on together , and (you see how many specifics, had to be in place?) - you're American, you're my age, etc etc. So I didn't figure I'd ever have what I had had and lost with "Janet" again...but I deeply missed it! So here you are! Because i thought of it, in my heart I felt it even (you have to do that for it to work). (It's also important that , once you've thought of what it is you need and seen all the details of it and felt the need, that you then let it go entirely, forget about it and DO NOT try to imagine how or where it could come from (that would mess it up)(it just would...they say it "Don't tell God how to deliver.", see? k))
Anyway, so you're here because you must have had a complimentary need, that would answer my need. I do remember you telling me you "seemed to be attracted (um, no, not that way!
;D) to me...and seemed a bit surprised by it. I wasn't though. And I was pleased to meet you
So, can call people into your life, and you can kick people out, is what I'm saying I learned.So, I had a truly evil son of a bitch (my brother) glommed onto me! I had to get rid of that.
It's weird actually.
I was walking across the street to see my friend I noticed over there. She was talking to someone, who happened to be native american (with a sense of spirituality you could feel so strongly you could almost touch it), and but she looked at me and backed up a step and said "you have someone evil with his hands around your neck, you need to throw his arms off you"....she said "I can't even get near you right now, because he's bad news, though you seem a good person yourself (how'd she know that?)...
Well, my ugly brother, who used to beat me up daily for 6 years when I was a kid, had grown up to be
someone who takes pleasure in tormenting caged people (he became a jail guard, and loved to torment them, said it was his "dream job") and I understood that because he had cut his bully teeth on me, and in adult life found a way to "legitimatize the role (of bully) (get allowed and payed and thanked for it ). Now ,see what it says in bold, above here? THAT'S his special joy. He stopped me from doing ANYTHING, by beating me -daily- and beating me again and threatening more (ever wonder why I'd react so over the top to "rules"?)- and this was the "sense of control" he developed as a child. (We all develop one, some are healthy "senses of control" (HOW we each learned we individually can have our control in the world), and some are an anorexic has their ability to control taken from them (by a bully like I had) and they figure out there's one thing they CAN "control" (their weight) and they become obsessed about it because it's all they've got...that's how that works (no I'm not anorexic) but -
he learned his "sense of control" was he could STOP people from having theirs.
And this gives him joy.
So along with the jail guard job, he also took up, of all things, witchcraft! He owns what's called the "Witch's Bible" (it tells how to do the spells and rituals)(mostly what little power one actually CAN have to affect another (as witches imagine they have) is they CAN put thoughts in your head by thinking things at you (oh, they can). And that's what witches focus on developing an ability to do. My brother described what he does as he imagines a sick awful evil "black cloud" around create it..then he imagines pushing it towards you and you getting hopelessly enveloped by it.
You may think that's just nutty, but no one that ever met this man ever said ANYTHING different to me than "he seems dark inside" or "I get a BAD FEELING from him".
Alright. So the American Indian I met...she didn't know me at all or of me and immediately said I had someone evil trying to strangle me...well, I did what she said. I threw him off. (You just sort of have to think it.) And I went further. My family can't find me now if they wanted to. I wont even use my real name on facebook. My phone number doesn't exist. I divorced the whole sick lot of them.
so how did she know these things of me, as if she could see invisible things? Because she was right! And for certain my life was hobbled until I got rid of him like she said!
some people use their power to call to others, seeking to fulfill a healthy mix of self-actualizing and helping others. While some people are operating at a much lower level...they may be all about themself, selfish and callous and even violent because they have no empathy at all. ...or they may be stuck working negatively on a twisted emotional state, like my brother. But however anyone is, I'm told, they can will themselves to start doing better. And I have always had an inescapable sense that it matters a great deal what state you die in....that you need to finish developing healthily as a human, and work out as many ill effects from issues as you can before you die, so you don't either get stuck in that state eternally, or have to reincarnate with all the same rough trek to make all over again, because you didn't successfully complete it this time. (Actually I dont know "why", I'm just postulating, matters.
And I don't know how I know this but I do...the best thing anyone could pray for is the well being of others (especially those who injure us). And if you find you can't want another to be happy, pray that you will be able to. It's important. For what you wish on others you wish upon yourself. That's in every religion. It's kharma. As you cast towards another, so do you invite the same to come back to you. It's like the physics law of conservation of energy: you cannot give energy away without it needing to come back to you, for it's impossible for you to lose any part of yourself. So send a piece of you out with black wishes in it, that's how it will come back. Wrong someone, and at some point they will come back! Maybe not on purpose or knowing why, but they will have a kharmic need you created in them to give your rotten energy back to you, so make sure you cast niceness to others! Because you will create positive things in the universe that way instead of negative, and because the nice you created will come back to you and be yours.
Well, that's about as much as I have learned about the soul.
It taught me -->Give. Give to others. Give help, and kindness, and always wish wellness and happiness upon everyone your life touches...even those who have hurt you.
And it taught me --> Overcome your fears, and grow past your issues before this lifetime is done. Do not die as an ill ungrown condition. - for you may have to stay stuck as whatever you in the end became, for eternity. - or if there is reincarnation you would have to come back and have all the same problems again because you left your work undone.
SO! (got on a bit of a roll there
) ..You were saying your brother-in-law has given you messages. That's cool! I've never had this happen with someone who had died. But...maybe I just haven't had the circumstances for it. I mean, if people are connected souls in life - and we are- that indicates there's a level of existence other than just the conscious one we seem to be only in (..and so we exist physically, and also not physically?), so why not still exist somewhere without our bodies then? It seems possible.
I still don't know why brutal callous animals as I've come to accept we are should matter enough to never perish though...but hey, there's all kinds of possibilities here. Carl Sagan did a lovely job (in his Cosmos series) describing us as "the universe itself becoming aware" ...and it IS all connected as one, and all the matter has a quality physicists refer to as "consciousness" (they say the universe resembles a giant consciousness), so...maybe we just kind of blend back into that..the larger wisdom...who knows.
But. There's only one real way to find out, and once you do you can't come back and tell us, damn it! ;D